Firstly, ensure you're using WordPress in your language.

Go to Settings > General and change the Site Language - e.g. Italiano

To translate the any English text, Follow these steps.

  1. Install and activate the plugin Loco Translate
  2. Then from your Dashboard Go to Loco Translate > Manage Translations
  3. Click the “+ New language” button beside “StartRight”.
  4. Then on the next screen a Country dropdown list will appear, Select The language you want the texts to be translated. e,g: “Italian” and continue.
  5. On next screen all the “English text strings” that are inside the theme will be listed. Select text string from the “Source Text” list and then Add your translated text in the textarea below.

    Example: If we want to translate the text “Read More” to Italian, We will have to find the “Read More” text from
    Source Text” list and add our translated text in the textarea. In this case “Per Saperne Di Più” inside the “Italian translation” box.

save image


If you've translated StartRight into your own language then it'd be a great help to the community to share the .po and .mo files. You can export them within Loco Translate and send them to us via a ticket - we'll include them in future releases and credit you for your help :)


Please Note:

We won't be able to provide specific support for this 3rd party plugin - if you have additional queries we recommend the Support section for the plugin on